
黄金龙,男,理学博士,副教授。2014年获十大网投正规信誉官网下载理学学士学位;2019年获十大网投正规信誉官网下载理学博士学位。2019年9月-2022年6月在美国康奈尔大学地球与大气科学系从事博士后研究。2023年2月至今十大赌博正规网址排名榜副教授。主要从事平流层-对流层动力耦合及其对对流层天气气候的影响、对流层极端天气预报以及数值模拟等方面的工作。目前已在Communications Earth & Environment、Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres、Journal of Climate 、Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.以及J. Atmos. Sci. 等期刊发表论文10余篇。担任Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres以及Journal of Climate等期刊审稿人。主持了博士后国际交流计划派出项目和国家自然科学基金青年基金项目。
E-mail: huangjinlong@lzu.edu.cn
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 42005048, 北极平流层极涡多属性异常对北半球冬季寒潮的影响, 2021-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 主持
(2)全国博士后管委会办公室, 博士后国际交流计划派出项目, 20190076, 自然强迫和人为强迫因子对北极平流层极涡与欧亚大陆寒潮之间关系的影响, 2019-09 至 2021-08, 主持
(3)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41875046, 青藏高原平流层臭氧、水汽和气溶胶的变化及其气候效应, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 参与
(4)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 41705022, 北半球平流层极涡位置的变化及其对东亚地区天气气候的影响, 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31,参与
1.Tian, W., Huang, J., Zhang, J., Xie, F., Wang, W., & Peng Y. (2023). Role of Stratospheric Processes in Climate Change: Advances and Challenges. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. (Accepted)
2.Huang, J., Hitchcock, P., Tian, W., & Sillin, J. (2022). Stratospheric Influence on the Development of the 2018 Late Winter European Cold Air Outbreak. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127(5), e2021JD035877.
3.Huang, J., Hitchcock, P., Maycock, A. C., McKenna, C. M., & Tian, W. (2021). Northern hemisphere cold air outbreaks are more likely to be severe during weak polar vortex conditions. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 1?11.
4.Huang, J., & Tian, W. (2019). Eurasian Cold Air Outbreaks under Different Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex Strengths. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 76(5), 1245?1264.
5.Huang, J., Tian, W., Gray, L. J., Zhang, J., Li, Y., Luo, J., & Tian, H. (2018). Preconditioning of Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex Shift Events. Journal of Climate, 31(14), 5417?5436.
6.Huang, J., Tian, W., Zhang, J., Huang, Q., Tian, H., & Luo, J. (2017). The connection between extreme stratospheric polar vortex events and tropospheric blockings. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143(703), 1148?1164.
7.Xu, M., Tian, W., Zhang, J., Screen, J. A., Huang, J., Qie, K., & Wang, T. (2021). Distinct Tropospheric and Stratospheric Mechanisms Linking Historical Barents-Kara Sea-Ice Loss and Late Winter Eurasian Temperature Variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(20), e2021GL095262.
8.Lu, Y., Tian, W., Zhang, J., Huang, J., Zhang, R., Wang, T., & Xu, M. (2021). The Impact of the Stratospheric Polar Vortex Shift on the Arctic Oscillation. Journal of Climate, 34(10), 4129?4143.
9.Wang, T., Tian, W., Zhang, J., Xie, F., Zhang, R., Huang, J., & Hu, D. (2020). Connections between Spring Arctic Ozone and the Summer Circulation and Sea Surface Temperatures over the Western North Pacific. Journal of Climate, 33(7), 2907?2923.
10.Zhang, R., Tian, W., Zhang, J., Huang, J., Xie, F., & Xu, M. (2019). The Corresponding Tropospheric Environments during Downward-Extending and Nondownward-Extending Events of Stratospheric Northern Annular Mode Anomalies. Journal of Climate, 32(6), 1857?1873.
11.Xie, F., Ma, X., Li, J., Huang, J., Tian, W., Zhang, J., et al. (2018). An advanced impact of Arctic stratospheric ozone changes on spring precipitation in China. Climate Dynamics, 51(11), 4029?4041.
12.Zhang, J., Xie, F., Tian, W., Han, Y., Zhang, K., Qi, Y., Chipperfield, M., Feng, W., Huang, J., Shu, J. (2017). Influence of the Arctic Oscillation on the Vertical Distribution of Wintertime Ozone in the Stratosphere and Upper Troposphere over the Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Climate, 30(8), 2905?2919.
13.Zhang, J., Tian, W., Chipperfield, M. P., Xie, F., & Huang, J. (2016). Persistent shift of the Arctic polar vortex towards the Eurasian continent in recent decades. Nature Climate Change, 6(12), 1094?1099.
14.Zhang, J., Tian, W., Xie, F., Li, Y., Wang, F., Huang, J., & Tian, H. (2015). Influence of the El Ni?o southern oscillation on the total ozone column and clear-sky ultraviolet radiation over China. Atmospheric Environment, 120, 205?216.
15.田文寿, 黄金龙, 郄锴, 王涛, & 徐勉. (2020). 平流层大气环流的典型系统及变化特征综述. 气象科学.