
马磊,男,内蒙古鄂托克旗人,1988年2月生,2019年1月博士毕业于中国科学院大气物理研究所,2021年5月获聘为十大赌博正规网址排名榜青年研究员,硕士生导师。主要从事全球变化和人类活动干扰下陆地生态系统水碳氮磷物质循环、生态系统生产力和温室气体(CO2、CH4和N2O)排放的研究工作,研究成果以第一或通讯作者身份发表在PNAS, PNAS Nexus, Communications Earth &Environment,Environ. Pollu., Sci. Total Environ., Atmos. Environ., Environ. Sci. Pollut. R., Livest. Sci.和草业学报等期刊,共同作者身份发表在One Earth,Sci. Total Environ.,Geoderma,Agr. ForestMeteorol., Agr. Ecosyst. Environ., Atmos. Environ.,Agr. Syst.等期刊。目前是国际期刊American Jоurnal of Environmental Protection的编委(任期2022/03/28?2024/03/28),曾担任国际期刊International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health的Guest Editor,负责组织专刊“Effect of Human Activities on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Terrestrial Ecosystems”。
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4268-0596
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lei-Ma-59
2014.09?2019.01 中国科学院大气物理研究所,大气物理学与大气环境,理学博士,导师:郑循华研究员,姚志生研究员
2012.08?2014.06 中国农业大学草业科学与技术学院,草业科学,农学硕士,导师:戎郁萍教授
2008.09?2012.06 甘肃农业大学草业学院,草业科学,农学学士,导师:曹文侠教授
2019.09?2021.03 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院气象与气候环境研究所,博士后研究员,合作导师Prof. Dr. Klaus Butterbach-Bahl
2019.01?2019.06 中国农业大学草业科学与技术学院,研究助理,合作老师张英俊教授
AmericanJournal of Environmental Protection, Editorial Board (2022/03/28?2024/03/28)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Guest Editor, Special Issue:Effect of Human Activities on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Terrestrial Ecosystems
曾担任Global Change Biology, Science of the Total Environment, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Agriculture Ecosystem & Environment, Grassland Science, Soil Tillage & Research, Field Crops Research, Ecological Indicators 等期刊审稿人。
1. 国家自然科学基金委生命学部冻土专项项目:若尔盖高原冻土区泥炭地土壤有机碳组分及其对气候变暖的响应机制,第一课题:土壤有机碳组分的储量及其关键属性参数的变化特征,2023.01?2027.12,32241035,在研,主持
2. 十大网投正规信誉官网下载“双一流”引导专项?队伍建设经费?科研启动费,2021.05?2026.04,在研,主持
3. 甘肃省自然科学基金项目:啮齿动物扰动对高寒草地土壤碳储量和温室气体平衡的影响及其机制-从碌曲站点观测到青藏高原整合研究,2022.10? 2024.09,22JR5RA439,在研,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:放牧和开垦对典型草原土壤温室气体通量的影响研究,2015.01?2018.01,31472136,结题,骨干
5. 科技部973计划:典型流域陆地生态系统?大气碳氮气体交换关键过程、规律与调控原理第一课题“典型小流域景观格局的碳氮气体交换与氮流失联网观测研究”,2012.01?2016.12,2012CB417100,结题,参加
6. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目:地气碳氮交换及其与气候相互作用,2011.01?2016.12,41321064,结题,参加
7. 科技部973计划:天然草原生产力的调控机制与途径第五课题“放牧优化对草原生产力提高的作用机理与途径”,2014.01?2018.01,2014CB138800,结题,参加
8. 中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项项目:应对气候变化的碳收支认证及相关问题子课题“土地利用CH4和N2O排放数据质量控制”, 2011.01?2016.12,XDA05020100,结题,参加
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:长期不同秸秆还田量对玉米?小麦轮作农田增产、固碳及减排温室气体的效应与机理,2016.01?2019.12,结题,参加
10. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金:季节性冻结地区小流域水、碳、氮循环相互作用过程模型研究,2015.01?2018.01,结题,参加
1. 参与的“苜蓿套种青贮玉米高产高效生产技术”项目入选2021年农业农村部10项重大引领性技术。
1. Miao Huang,Dezhao Gan, Zheng Li, Jinsong Wang, Shuli Niu, Hongchao Zuo, Ruijun Long, Lei Ma*. 2023. Unexpected no significant soil carbon losses in the Tibetan grasslands due to rodent bioturbation. PNAS Nexus.https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac314
2. Lei Ma, Gaofeng Zhu, Bolong Chen, Kun Zhang, Shuli Niu, Jinsong Wang, Phillipe Ciais, Hongchao Zuo*. 2022. A globally robust relationship between water table decline, subsidence rate, and carbon release from peatlands. Communications Earth & Environment. 3, 254.https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00590-8 (封面论文)
3. Lei Ma. 2022. Critical importance of conserving (near)pristine peatlands and restoring drained peatlands for climate change mitigation. Post for Behind the paper in Nature Portfolio Earth and Environment Community.https://earthenvironmentcommunity.nature.com/posts/critical-importance-of-conserving-near-pristine-peatlands-and-restoring-drained-peatlands-for-climate-change-mitigation.
4. Zhisheng Yao*, Guangxuan Yan, Lei Ma, Yan Wang, Han Zhang, Xunhua Zheng, Rui Wang, Chunyan Liu, Yanqiang Wang, Bo Zhu, Minghua Zhou, Jaber Rahimi, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl. 2022. Soil CN ratio is the dominant control of annual N2O fluxes from organic soils of natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 327, 109198.
5. Yang Zhang, Gaofeng Zhu*, Li Yin, Lei Ma, Cong Xu, Huiling Chen, Ting Ma, YonghongSu, Yongtai Zhu, Liyang He, Le Han. Optimal soil water content and temperature sensitivity differ amongheterotrophic and autotrophic respiration from oasis agroecosystems. Geoderma, 425, 116071.
6. Fei Lin, Hongchao Zuo, Xiaohong Ma, Lei Ma*. 2022. Comprehensive assessment of nitrous oxide emissions and mitigation potentials across European peatlands. Environmental Pollution, 301, 119041.
7. Lei Ma*andHongchaoZuo. 2022. Quantifying net carbon fixation by Tibetan alpine ecosystems should consider multiple anthropogenic activities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(Letter), 119, 1?2.
8. Ruixuan Xu, Haiming Zhao, Guibo Liu, Yuan Li, Shoujiao Li, Yingjun Zhang*, Nan Liu, Lei Ma. 2022. Alfalfa and silage maize intercropping provides comparable productivity and profitability with lower environmental impacts than wheat?maizesystem in the North China plain. Agricultural Systems. 195, 103305.
9. Longlong Xia*, Shu Kee Lam, Ralf Kiese, Deli Chen, Yiqi Luo, Kees Jan van Groenigen,Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Ji Chen,Shuwei Liu, Lei Ma, Yuhao Zhu, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl*. 2021.Elevated CO2 negates O3 impacts on terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycles. One Earth, 4, 1752?1763.
10. Lei Ma#,Baldur Janz#, Ralf Kiese, Ricky Mwanake, Elizabeth Wangaria,Klaus Butterbach-Bahl*. 2021. Effect of vole bioturbation on N2O, NO, NH3, CH4 and CO2 fluxes of slurry fertilized and non-fertilized montane grassland soils in Southern Germany. Science of the Total Environment, 800, 149597.
11. Lei Ma,WeiZhang, XunhuaZheng*, ZhishengYao, HanZhang, RuiWang, BoZhu, KaiWang,ChunyanLiu,GuangminCao,YanfenWang, YipingZhang, WenjunZhou,ShijieHan,JunhuiZhang,YinghongWang. 2021. Attempt to correct grassland N2O fluxes biased by the DN-based opaque static chamber measurement. Atmospheric Environment, 118687.
12. 郭小璇,王凯*,李磊,张寒,马磊,姚志生,张伟,胡正华*,郑循华.2021. 若尔盖高原高寒草甸地表能量交换和蒸散研究. 中国农业气象, 42, 642?656.
13. Wei Zhang, Zhisheng Yao, Siqi Li, Xunhua Zheng*, Han Zhang, Lei Ma, Kai Wang, Rui Wang, Chunyan Liu, Shenghui Han, Jia Deng, Yong Li. 2021. An improved process-oriented hydro-biogeochemical model for simulating dynamic fluxes of methane and nitrous oxide in alpine ecosystems with seasonally frozen soils. Biogeosciences, 18, 4211?4225.
14. Ruixuan Xu, Haiming Zhao, Guibo Liu, Yongliang You, Lei Ma, Nan Liu, Yingjun Zhang*. 2021. Effects of nitrogen and maize plant density on forage yield and nitrogen uptake in an alfalfa?silage maize relay intercropping system in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research, 263, 108068.
15. Lei Ma#,HelongYang#,ZhanleiPan, YupingRong*. 2020. In-situ measurements and meta-analysis reveal that land-use changes combined with low nitrogen application promote methane uptake by temperate grasslands in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 706, 136048.
16. ShimingTang#,LeiMa#, XiaotingWei, DashuanTian,BojieWang,ZhaoleiLi, YujuanZhang,XinqingShao*. 2019. Methane emissions in grazing systems in grassland regions of China: a synthesis. Science of the Total Environment, 654, 662?670.
17. Zhisheng Yao*, Lei Ma, Han Zhang, Xunhua Zheng, Kai Wang, Bo Zhu, Rui Wang, Yanqiang Wang, Wei Zhang, Chunyan Liu, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl. 2019. Characteristics of annual greenhouse gas flux and NO release from alpine meadow and forest on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 272?273, 166?175.
18. Han Zhang, Zhisheng Yao, Lei Ma, Xunhua Zheng*, Rui Wang, Kai Wang, Chunyan Liu, Wei Zhang, Bo Zhu, Xiangyu Tang, Zhenghua Hu, Shenghui Han. 2019. Annual methane emissions from degraded alpine wetlands in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 625, 885?899.
19. Hao Zhang, Yanping Guo, Wenqing Chen, Nan Liu, Shangli Shi, Yingjun Zhang*, Lei Ma, Jiqiong Zhou. 2019. The potential application of plant wax markers from alfalfa for estimating the total feed intake of sheep. Animal, 13, 2782?2791.
20. Lei Ma#, MengyingZhong#, YuhaoZhu,HelongYang, Douglas A.Johnson, YupingRong*. 2018. Annual methane budgets of sheep grazing systems were regulated by grazing intensities in the temperate continental steppe: A two-year case study. Atmospheric Environment, 174, 66?75.
21. LeiMa,ZhishengYao*, XunhuaZheng, HanZhang, KaiWang, BoZhu, RuiWang, WeiZhang, ChunyanLiu. 2018. Increasing grassland degradation stimulates the non-growing season CO2 emissions from an alpine meadow on the Qinghai?Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 26576?26591.
22. Han Zhang, Zhisheng Yao, Kai Wang, Xunhua Zheng*, Lei Ma, Rui Wang, Chunyan Liu, Wei Zhang, Bo Zhu, Xiangyu Tang, Zhenghua Hu, Shenghui Han. 2018. Annual N2O emissions from conventionally grazed typical alpine grass meadows in the eastern Qinghai?Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 625, 885?899.
23. Zhanlei Pan, Douglas A. Johnson, Zhijun Wei, Lei Ma, Yuping Rong*. 2016. Non-growing season soil CO2 efflux patterns in five land-use types in northern China. Atmospheric Environment, 144, 160?167.
24. Zhanlei Pan, Zhijun Wei, Lei Ma, Yuping Rong*. 2016. Effects of various stocking rates on grassland soil respiration during the non-growing season. Acta EcologicaSinica, 364, 11?416.
25. Yuping Rong*, Lei Ma, Douglas A. Johnson. 2015. Methane uptake by four land-use types in the agro?pastoral region of northern China. Atmospheric Environment, 116, 12?21.
26. Yuping Rong*, Lei Ma, Douglas A. Johnson, Fei Yuan. 2015. Soil respiration patterns for four major land-use types of the agro?pastoral region of northern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 213, 142?150.
27. Lingling Zhu, Douglas A. Johnson, Weiguang Wang, Lei Ma, Yuping Rong*. 2015. Grazing effects on carbon fluxes in a Northern China grassland. Journal of Arid Environments, 114, 41?48.
28. Lei Ma, FeiYuan, HongLiang, YupingRong*. 2014. The effects of grazing management strategies on the vegetation, diet quality, intake and performance of free grazing sheep. Livestock Science, 25, 26576?26591.
29. Yuping Rong*, Fei Yuan and Lei Ma. 2014. Effectiveness of enclosures for restoring soils and vegetation degraded by overgrazing in the Junggar Basin, China. Grassland Science. DOI: 10.1111/grs.12048.
30. 马磊,袁飞,朱玲玲,王忠梅,戎郁萍*. 2013. 氮复合肥种类及施氮量对坝上地区青贮玉米产量和品质的影响,草业学报,22,53?59(草业学报是“百种中国杰出学术期刊”和“百强报刊”之一)。
31. 朱玲玲,戎郁萍*,王伟光,马磊. 2013. 放牧对草地生态系统CO2净气体交换影响研究概述. 草地学报,21,3?10.
32. 曹文侠*,徐长林,方强恩,马磊. 2012. 祁连山金强河流域种子植物区系分析. 草原与草坪,32,42?47.
1. 中国通量网2022年学术年会暨二十周年战略发展研讨会分会场5:生态系统碳氮循环与全球变化口头报告:泥炭地温室气体排放和地表塌陷对人类活动的响应机制,中国北京,2023.02.16?17
2. 第17届(2022年)青藏高原地球科学学术年会专题7:青藏高原生态系统、生物多样性与人类适应口头报告:啮齿动物扰动影响高寒草地土壤有机碳库的土层依赖性格局及机制,中国兰州,2023.01.06?08
3. 十大网投正规信誉官网下载-中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院-甘肃省气象局第八届大气科学联合学术年会口头报告:泥炭地温室气体通量对人类活动的响应机制,中国兰州,2023.01.10
4. 第8届国际氮素大会口头报告:Quantifying landscape-level annual nitrous oxide fluxes in the Tibetan Plateau, 德国柏林, online conference, 2021.05.31?06.03
5. 第6届大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室年会口头报告:Nitrous oxide fluxes were significantly overestimated by one of the gas chromatograph?electron capture detector methods from grassland and wetland ecosystems, 中国北京, 2016.11.16?20
6. 第3届北京大学物理学院全球变化研究生论坛口头报告:Significantly overestimated nitrous oxide fluxes from alpine ecosystems by one chromatograph?electron capture detector method, 中国北京, 2016.05.29
1. 李政(硕士生,与十大网投正规信誉官网下载生态学院龙瑞军教授合作联合指导),研究课题:高寒泥炭地甲烷(CH4)排放对人类活动的响应及机制。部分结果以“Magnitudes, patterns, controls and mitigation potentials of methane emissions across wetlands in China”撰写学术论文。
2. 甘德钊(硕士生),研究课题:高寒泥炭地生态系统和土壤碳通量对人类活动的响应及机制。部分结果以“Releases of CO2, CH4 and N2O from drainage ditches contribute nonnegligible roles to net greenhouse balance of peatlands due to drainage”撰写学术论文。
3. 张泽龙(硕士生),研究课题:灌木扩张对高寒草甸土壤-植被连续体碳通量的影响及机制。部分结果以“Shrub encroachment alters global grassland ecosystem carbon stocks and fluxes”撰写学术论文。
4. 黄淼(本科生),研究课题:啮齿动物生物扰动对高寒草地生态系统碳氮物质循环和温室气体通量影响研究,部分研究结果以“Unexpected no significant soil carbon losses in the Tibetan grasslands due to rodent bioturbation”发表在PNAS的兄弟期刊PNASNexus。目前,黄淼在德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院继续深造。
5. 张浩(博士,2019年在中国农业大学工作期间协助合作老师张英俊教授指导),研究课题:温带草甸草原绵羊采食规律研究。
6. Svenja Christ(本科生,2020年在德国博后期间协助合作导师指导University of Freiburg本科生圆满完成毕业论文设计),研究课题:Clover cover gradient and cattle slurry application effects on greenhouse gas fluxes from pre-alpine grassland in Southern Germany。