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3.王溪雯, 张飞民#, 王芝兰, 杨凯, 王澄海, 2021: 青藏高原西部一次涡生成的数值模拟研究. 干旱气象. 39 (1): 54-64.
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6.Wang C., K. Yang, F. Zhang, 2020: Impacts of Soil Freeze-Thaw Process and Snow Melting over Tibetan Plateau on Asian Summer Monsoon System: a Review and Perspective. Frontiers in Earth Science. 8:133.
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9.Zhang, F., and Z. Pu, 2019: Sensitivity of Numerical Simulations of Near-surface Atmospheric Conditions to Snow Depth and Surface Albedo During an Ice Fog Event Over Heber Valley. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58 (4): 797-811.
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20.张飞民, 王澄海, 2014: 利用WRF-3DVAR同化常规观测资料对近地层风速预报改进的试验[J]. 高原气象, 33 (3), 675-685.
1.张飞民等. 气象数据分析与可视化系统V1.0, 软件著作权(登记号:2020SR0496826)
2.王澄海,张飞民等. 集成陆地海洋缓变信号的气候预测系统V1.0, 软件著作权(登记号:2020SR0486775)
3.王澄海,张飞民等. 谱逼近再分析资料约束模式的气候预测系统V1.0, 软件著作权(登记号:2020SR0486782)
4.张飞民等. 基于WRF+3DVAR的大气海洋精细化实时预报系统V1.0, 软件著作权(登记号:2018SR679652)