
梁捷宁,女,理学博士。主要从事大气边界层和大气湍流、陆-气相互作用及气候效应、空气污染和大气扩散、气溶胶与边界层相互作用等方面研究。在国内外学术期刊发表论文30多篇,主持和参加多项国家级科研项目,获甘肃省科技进步一等奖1项(10/12)。受邀担任Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres、Advances in Atmospheric Science等多个国内外知名期刊审稿人。主要讲授《流体力学》、《边界层气象》、《航空气象学》等课程。
E-mail: liangjn@lzu.edu.cn
1.Zhang Z., J. Liang*, M. Zhang, Q. Guo, L. Zhang, 2021. Surface layer turbulent characteristics over the complex terrain of the Loess Plateau semi-arid region, Advances in Meteorology.(录用待刊)
2.Liang, J.*, Q. Guo, Z. Zhang, M. Zhang, P. Tian, L. Zhang, 2020, Influence of Complex Terrain on Near-Surface Turbulence Structures over Loess Plateau, Atmosphere, 11(9): 930.
3.Liang, J., L. Zhang*, X. Cao, J. Wen, J. Wang, G. Wang, 2017, Energy balance in the semi-arid area of the Loess Plateau, China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122: 2155-2168.
4.Liang, J., L. Zhang*, Y. Wang, X. Cao, Q. Zhang, H. Wang, B. Zhang, 2014, Turbulence regimes and the validity of similarity theory in the stable boundary layer over complex terrain of the Loess Plateau, China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,119: 6009-6021.
5.Guo Q., X. Cao, J. Liang, Z. Zhang, M. Zhang, L. Zhang*, 2021. The response of cloud-precipitation recycling in China to global warming. Remote Sensing, 13(8):1601.Guo Q., J. Liang, X. Cao, Z. Zhang, L. Zhang*, 2020, Spatiotemporal Evolution of Evapotranspiration in China After 1998, Water, 12(1): 3250.
6.Yuan, G., L. Zhang*, J. Liang, X. Cao, Q. Guo, Z. Yang, 2017, Impacts of initial soil moisture and vegetation on the diural temperature range in aird and semiarid regions in China, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(21): 11568-11583.
7.Yuan, G., L. Zhang*, J. Liang, X. Cao, H. Liu, Z. Yang, 2017, Understanding the partitioning of the available energy over the semi-arid areas of the loess Plateau, China, Atmosphere. 8(5): 87.
8.Cao, X., J. Liang, P. Tian, L. Zhang, X. Quan, W. Liu, 2014, The mass concentration and optical properties of black carbon aerosols over a semi-arid region in the northwest of China, Atmospheric Pollution Research,5 (4): 601-609.
9.Tian, P., X. Cao, J. Liang, L. Zhang*, N. Yi, L. Wang, X. Cheng, 2014, Improved empirical mode decomposition based denoising method for lidar signals, Optics Communications, 325(325): 54-59.
10.张敏, 梁捷宁*, 张志达, 张镭, 2022. 利用大涡模拟分析地表加热和动力作用对边界层结构的影响. 高原气象, 41(5). DOI: 10.7522/j.issn. 1000-0534.2021. 00046.(录用待刊)
11.李雪洮, 梁捷宁, 郭琪, 徐丽丽, 张镭*, 2020, 利用大涡模式模拟黄土高原地区对流边界层特征, 高原气象, 39(3): 523-531.
12.陈丽晶, 张镭*, 梁捷宁, 周旭, 2017, 半干旱区不同下垫面大气湍流通量比较分析, 高原气象, 36(5): 1325-1335.
13.苑广辉, 张镭*, 李遥, 梁捷宁, 2016, 黄土高原复杂地形上高质量湍流通量数据获取方法,地球物理学报, 59(6): 1971-1982.
14.梁捷宁, 张镭*, 田鹏飞, 曹贤洁, 王宏斌, 闭建荣, 2014, 黄土高原复杂地形上边界层低空急流对近地层湍流的影响, 地球物理学报, 57(5): 1387-1398.
15.梁捷宁, 张镭*, 张武, 史晋森, 2013,黄土高原半干旱区地表能量不闭合及其对二氧化碳通量的影响, 物理学报, 62(9): 528-539.
16.梁捷宁, 张镭*, 鲍婧, 赵世强, 黄建平, 张武, 2013, 黄土高原复杂地形受中尺度运动影响的稳定边界层湍流特征, 大气科学, 37(1): 113-123.