题 目:Regional Climate System Model Development and Applications:
Challenges and Opportunities
时 间:2010年7月25日(星期日)上午09:30
地 点:盘旋路校区齐云楼0304室
杨宗良教授,1984年毕业于南京气象学院气象系, 1989年于墨尔本大学气象系获硕士学位,1992年获麦考瑞大学大气科学博士学位,曾荣获The Joseph C. Walter Jr. Excellence Award。2008年获德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校终身教授职位,目前担任NCAR CCSM Land Modeling Working Group的共同主席。先后发表80余篇期刊论文和80余篇会议论文、研究报告及学术报告摘要,总引用次数超过2700次,目前的h指数值为30。主要研究兴趣包括:
1.Land surface model parameterization, evaluation, and intercomparison;
2.Biogenic emissions and secondary organic aerosols;
3.Hydrogeology and water resources;
4.Speleothem and paeloclimate;
5.Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite hydrology and Geophysics;
6.Optimization and calibration and data assimilation;
7.Urban development;
8.River flow and flood inundation modeling;
9.Riverine nutrient export and coastal environmental studies; and Decision making under uncertainties
1.Land surface model parameterization, evaluation, and intercomparison;
2.Biogenic emissions and secondary organic aerosols;
3.Hydrogeology and water resources;
4.Speleothem and paeloclimate;
5.Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite hydrology and Geophysics;
6.Optimization and calibration and data assimilation;
7.Urban development;
8.River flow and flood inundation modeling;
9.Riverine nutrient export and coastal environmental studies; and Decision making under uncertainties