Peter J. Lamb学术讲座
主讲人:Peter J. Lamb教授
Peter J. Lamb教授为美国俄克拉荷马大学(OU)与NOAA
(the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
共同领导的CIMMS(Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale
Meteorological Studies)研究所所长
题目:Relations Between Temperature and Natural Gas Consumption
in the Central and Eastern United States
Peter J. Lamb教授简介
Peter J. Lamb received B.A. (1969) and M.A. (1971, with Honours) degrees in Geography
from the Universityof Canterbury (New Zealand), a Ph.D. in Meteorology from the
University of Wisconsin in 1976, and a D.Sc. for published research in Climate Science
from the University of Canterbury in 2002.
In August 1991, Dr. Lamb joined the University of Oklahoma as a tenured full Professor
in its School of Meteorology, and as Director of its Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale
Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) that is partly funded by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). CIMMS now has a staff of 150 and an annual budget
approaching $11 million. Dr. Lamb also acted as Director of the International Center
for Disaster Research (ICDR) at the University of Oklahoma from 1994-99, and
was Associate Director of Oklahoma Weather Center Programs from 1996-2006.
In April 2001, Dr. Lamb was honored with a George Lynn Cross Research Professorship.
Dr. Lamb is a member of the American and Royal Meteorological Societies, the American
Geophysical Union, and Sigma Xi. He was elected a Fellow of the American Meteorological
Society (AMS) in 1988, and soon he will become Chief Editor of the AMS series of
Meteorological Monographs. In 1991 Dr. Lamb was appointed Site Scientist for the Southern
Great Plains component of the U.S. Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation
Measurement (ARM) Program. Since 1985, Dr. Lamb has served as an occasional Advisor
to the World Meteorological Organization, U. N. Environment Programme, U.S. Agency for
International Development, Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency, and several
other U.S. Federal Agencies. In 1996, Dr. Lamb received a University of Oklahoma Regents’
Award for Superior Accomplishment in Research and Creative Activity. In 2003,
he held the W. John and Gail M. Hussey Commemorative Lectureship in Meteorology at
The Pennsylvania State University.
Dr. Lamb's primary research interest is in the physical and dynamical processes responsible
for climate and its short-term fluctuations (from year-to-year to a few decades).
Dr. Lamb is the author or coauthor of five research monographs, four book chapters,
one encyclopedia contribution, more than 80 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals,
and numerous other publications.His research has been published in the World’s premier
scientific journals (Nature, 2 sole- and 1 lead-authored papers; Science, 1 joint-authored
paper), most of the leading journals of atmospheric and climate science, and in journals
of many other disciplines (agricultural science, geography, economics, oceanography,
hydrology, energy, environmental quality, water resources). Those publications have been
cited more than 2,700 times in the scientific literature worldwide. He was listed in
Who’s Who in the World for 1996, Who’s Who in America for 1994-2005 and 2008,
and has been regularly listed in several other citation publications since 1994.