讲座一:A revised form of the soil moisture-based Richards equation for land models
in weather and climate studies
时 间:2007年9月14日(星期五)上午10:00
地 点:盘旋路校区综合楼0310
讲座二:Atmospheric science: Fundamentals and future direction
时 间:2007年9月14日(星期五)下午15:30
地 点:榆中校区教学楼A区404
Xubin Zeng has been a full professor since 2004 at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences,
University of Arizona. He got his Ph.D. in 1992 from Colorado State University. He is well
known internationally for his original work on land model development, global satellite and
in situ data development, and air-sea interaction. Various model parameterizations and
datasets developed by his group have been used by major national and international research/forecasting centers (NCEP, NCAR, ECMWF) and numerous individual groups. He has
also done numerous high-profile University and national/international services,
including currently coordinating the hydrometeorology and climate research at the University,
and serving on the NASA Earth Science Senior Review Panel in 2007 to review almost all of
NASA∝s current Earth-observing satellite missions.