
主要研究兴趣有:边界层和陆面过程,大气污染扩散和输送,气候变化 等。曾应邀去美国海军研究生院(NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL)大气科学系长期合作研究。曾获“中国科学院兰州分院科技进步二等奖”;“中国科学院院长优秀奖学金”;参加的“黑河试验(HEIFE)”(批号 8487004)获得中国科学院自然科学一等奖。主持和参加多项基金和973课题,已发表论文百余篇。
移动电话: 13119413436
办公室电话: 0931- 8914393
邮箱Email: zuohch@lzu.edu.cn
[1] 主持973项目课题“典型干旱半干旱地区地气相互作用对比研究”(编号 2012CB956202)的研究任务,结题。
[2] 主持中国气象局气候变化专项“蒸发皿的物理意义及其揭示的气候信号”,结题。
[3] 主持基金项目“非均匀下垫面湍流输送与垂直速度交叉耦合效应的研究”,结题。
[4] 主持基金项目“用微气象观测研究蒸发皿蒸发量所揭示的气候信号”,结题。
[5] 主持基金项目“干旱均匀裸土地气相互作用关键问题观测研究”,结题。
[6] 主持基金项目“地膜覆盖农田的地气相互作用观测及参数化”,结题。
[7] 主持基金项目“中国西北干旱区均匀下垫面上稳定边界层非湍运动和湍流相互作用的观测研究”,在研。
[1] Wang Shixin,Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2019: Asymmetric impact of East Asian jet’s variation on midsummer rainfall in North China and Yangtze River Valley. Climate Dynamics,53,pp.6199-6213.
[2] Wang Shixin,Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2018: Interpreting rainfall anomalies using rainfall's non-negative nature. Geophysical Research Letters,46,pp.426-434.
[3] Lu Sha,Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2018: Improvement and Validation of the Common Land Model on Cropland Covered By Pastic Film in the Arid Region of China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology,57,pp.2071-2089.
[4] Wang Shixin,Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2017: How East Asian westerly jet’s meridional position affects the summer rainfall in Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley? Climate Dynamics,51,pp.4109-4121.
[5] Guo Yang,Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2017: Impact of Mesoscale Motions on Monin-Obukhov Similarity and Surface Energy Balance over a Homogeneous Surface. Advances in Meteorology,151,pp.1-15.
[5] Dong Longxiang,Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2017: Simulation of Heavy Gas Dispersion in a Large Indoor Space Using CFD Model. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,46,pp.1-12.
[6] Wang Shixin and Zuo Hongchao. 2016: Effect of the East Asian Westerly Jet’s Intensity on Summer Rainfall in the Yangtze River Valley and Its Mechanism. Journal of Climate,29,pp.2395-2406.
[7] Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2016: Observational study on complementary relationship between pan evaporation and actual evapotranspiration and its variation with pan type. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,222,pp.1-9.
[8] Chen Bolong, Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2013: A mathematical and physical model study on the 20 cm pan evaporation. Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition,56,pp.422-430.
[9] Yang Qidong, Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2012: Modelling the effects of plastic mulch on water, heat and CO2 fluxes over cropland in an arid region;JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,452,pp.102-118.
[10] Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2012: On the atmospheric movement and the imbalance of observed and calculated energy in the surface layer. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES,55,pp.1518-1532.
[11] An Xingqin, Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2007: Atmospheric environmental capacity of SO2 in winter over Lanzhou in China: A case study. Advances in Atmospheric Science,24,pp.688-699.
[12] Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2005: Characteristics of climatic trends and correlation between pan-evaporation and environmental factors in the last 40 years over China. Chinese Science Bulletin,50,pp.1235-1241.
[13] Zuo Hongchao, etal. 2005: Seasonal transition and its boundary layer characteristics in Anduo area of Tibetan Plateau. Progress in Natural Science,15,pp. 239-245.
[14] 左洪超, 等. 2004: 非均匀下垫面边界层特征的观测和数值模拟研究(I):冷岛效应和逆湿现象的完整物理图象. 高原气象,23,155-162页.
[15] 左洪超, 等. 2004: 非均匀下垫面边界层特征的观测和数值模拟研究(II):逆湿现象的数值模拟. 高原气象,23,163-170页.
[16] 左洪超,胡隐樵. 1994: 河西地区绿洲和戈壁的小气候特征及其季节变化. 高原气象,13,246-256页.
[17] 左洪超, 胡隐樵. 1992: 黑河地区沙漠和戈壁的总体输送系数. 高原气象,11,371-380页.