
黄倩,博士,十大赌博正规网址排名榜教授,博士生导师。1995年获得十大网投正规信誉官网下载大气科学系学士学位,1998年获得十大网投正规信誉官网下载大气科学系硕士学位,2008年获得十大赌博正规网址排名榜博士学位。2006年6月-2008年1月在英国利兹大学环境学院访问交流。目前主要从事大气边界层、大气湍流及其对物质传输影响方面的研究。主要讲授 《边界层气象学》、《空气污染气象学》和《应用气象学》等课程。
1.Y. Chou, Q. Huang*, Y. P. Zhang, J. L. Luo, M. Y. Wang, H. R. Liao, Y. S. Zhang, Z. X. Bai, Impacts of deep boundary layer on near-surface ozone concentration over the Tibetan Plateau. Atmos. Environ., 2023, 294, doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119532
2.H. C. Liu, Q. Huang*, Y. Chou, H. Y. Tian, Y. S. Zhang, X. X. Wu, J. X. Zhang and M . Z. Wang, A numerical study of downbursts using the BLASIUS model ,J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim.2022, 61:1065-1076, doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-21-0243.1.
3.Y. S. Zhang, Q. Huang*, Y. M. Ma, J. L. Luo, C. Wang, Z. G. Li and Y. Chou, Large eddy simulation of boundary-layer turbulence over the heterogeneous surface in the source region of the Yellow River, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 2021, 21:15949-15968, doi.org/10.1029/2017JD028069.
4.Q. Huang*, J. H. Marsham, W. Tian, D. J. Parker, L. Garcia-Carreras, Large-eddy simulation of dust-uplift by a haboob density current, Atmos. Environ., 2018, 179
5.W. Sang, Q. Huang*, W. S. Tian, J. S. Wright, J. K. Zhang, H. Y. Tian, J. L. Luo, D. Z. Hu, Y. Y. Han, A large eddy model study on the effect of overshooting convection on lower stratospheric water vapor, J. Geophys. Res.,2018, doi: 10. 1029/2017JD028069
6.Q. Huang, J. H. Marsham, D. J. Parker, W. S. Tian, C. M. Grams, Simulations of the effects of surface heat flux anomalies on stratification, convective growth and vertical transport within the Saharan boundary layey,J. Geophys. Res.,2010, 115, doi:10.1029/2009JD012689
7.Q. Huang, J. H. Marsham, D. J. Parker, W. Tian,A comparison of roll and nonrollconvection and subsequent deepening moist convection: An LEM case study based on SCMS data,Mon. Wea. Rev.,2009.01.15