
通讯地址:甘肃省兰州市天水南路222号 十大赌博正规网址排名榜
1.Wang J., Cao X.*, Li M., Tang C., Zhang Z., Zhang H., Tian P., Liang J., Zhang L., Shi J., Optical characteristics of aerosol and its potential sources over Nam Co in the Tibetan Plateau during Asian summer monsoon period, Atmospheric Environment, 2023, 298, 119611.
2.Li M., Cao X.*, Zhang Z., Ji H., Zhang M., Guo Y., Tian P., Liang J., Optical properties and vertical distribution of aerosols using polarization lidar and sun photometer over Lanzhou Suburb in Northwest China, Remote Sensing, 2023,15, 4927.
3.Cao X.*, Lu G., Li M., Wang J., Statistical characteristics of cloud heights over Lanzhou, China from multiple years of micro-pulse lidar observation, Atmosphere, 2021, 12, 1415.
4.Gao X., Cao X.*, Wang J., Guo Q., Du T., Zhang L., Analysis of aerosol optical properties in a Lanzhou suburb of China, Atmospheric Research, 2020, 246, 105098.
5.Gao X., Cao X.*, Tian P., Zhang L., Huang Z., Zhou T., Combined observation of a dust storm over the Loess Plateau using a dual-wavelength lidar and an aethalometer, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2017, 8: 1103-1112
6.Cao X.*, Liang J., Tian P., Zhang L., Quan X., Liu W., The mass concentration and optical properties of black carbon aerosols over a semi-arid region in the northwest of China, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2014, 5, 601-609.
7.Cao X., Wang Z., Tian P., Wang J., Zhang L.*, Quan X., Statistics of aerosol extinction coefficient profiles and optical depth using lidar measurement over Lanzhou, China since 2005-2008, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2013, 122, 150-154.
8.Cao X., Zhang L.*, Quan X., Zhou B., Bao J., Li X., Lidar measurements for comparison of atmospheric aerosol extinction and scattering properties over Lanzhou, China, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 137, 256-261.
9.曹贤洁, 张镭*, 李霞, 史晋森, 徐记亮, 黄建平, 张武, 张掖地区气溶胶吸收和散射特性分析, 高原气象, 2010, 29(5), 1246-1253.
10.曹贤洁, 张镭*, 周碧, 鲍婧, 史晋森, 闭建荣, 利用激光雷达观测兰州沙尘气溶胶辐射特性, 高原气象, 2009, 28(5), 1115-1120.
11.Tian P., Yu Z., Cui C., Huang J., Kang C., Shi J., Cao X., Zhang L.*, Atmospheric aerosol size distribution impacts radiative effects over the Himalayas via modulating aerosol single-scattering albedo, npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 2023, 6(54).
12.Zeng H., Tian P., Zhang M., Cao X., Liang J., Zhang L.*, Rapid Change in Surface-Based Temperature Inversions across the World during the Last Three Decades, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2022, 61, 175-184.
13.Guan X., Zhang N., Tian P. *, Tang C., Zhang Z., Wang L., Zhang Y., Zhang M., Guo Y., Du T., Cao X., Liang J., Zhang L., Wintertime vertical distribution of black carbon and single scattering albedo in a semi-arid region derived from tethered balloon observations, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 807, 150790.
14.Guo Q., Cao X., Liang J., Zhang Z., Zhang M., Zhang L.*, The response of cloud-precipitation recycling in China to global warming, Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 1601.
15.Wang M., Tian P.*, Wang L., Yu Z., Du T., Chen Q., Guan X., Guo Y., Zhang M., Tang C., Chang Y., Shi J., Liang J., Cao X., Zhang L., High contribution of vehicle emissions to fine particulate pollutions in Lanzhou, Northwest China based on high-resolution online data source appointment, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 798, 149310.
16.Zhang M., Tian P., Zeng H., Wang L., Liang J., Cao X., Zhang L.*, A Comparison of Wintertime Atmospheric Boundary Layer Heights Determined by Tethered Balloon Soundings and Lidar at the Site of SACOL, Remote sensing, 2021, 13, 1781.
17.Zhang L., Tang C., Huang J., Du T., Guan X., Tian P.*, Shi J., Cao X., Huang Z., Guo Q., Zhang H., Wang M., Zeng H., Wang F., Dolkar P., Unexpected high absorption of atmospheric aerosols over a western Tibetan Plateau site in summer, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2021, 126, e2020JD033286.
18.Guo Q., Liang J., Cao X., Zhang Z., Zhang L.*, Spatiotemporal evolution of evapotranspiration in China after 1998, Water, 2020, 12, 3250.
19.Tian P., Zhang L.*, Cao X., Sun N., Mo X., Liang J., Li X., Gao X., Zhang B., Enhanced Bottom-of-the-Atmosphere Cooling and Atmosphere Heating Efficiency by Mixed-Type Aerosols: A Classification Based on Aerosol Nonsphericity, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2018, 75: 113-124.
20.Tian P., Cao X., Zhang L.*, Sun N., Logan T., Shi J., Wang Y., Ji Y., Lin Y., Huang Z., Zhou T., Shi Y., Zhang R., Aerosol vertical distribution and optical properties over China from long-term satellite and ground-based remote sensing, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017, 17: 2509-2523.
21.Tian P., Cao X., Zhang L.*, Wang H., Shi J., Huang Z., Zhou T., Liu H., Observation and simulation study of atmospheric aerosol nonsphericity over the Loess Plateau in northwest China, Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 117: 212-219.
22.Tian P., Cao X., Liang J., Zhang L.*, Yi N., Wang L., Cheng X., Improved empirical mode decomposition based denoising method for lidar signals. Optics Communications, 2014, 325, 54-59.
23.Zhang L.*, Cao X., Bao J., Zhou B., Huang J., Shi J., Bi J., A case study of dust aerosol radiative properties over Lanzhou, China, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2010, 10, 4283-4293.
11.干旱半干旱区地基综合观测和卫星遥感反演,国家重大科学研究计划项目“全球典型干旱半干旱地区气候变化及其影响”第2课题的专题,2012.01 - 2016.12,参与
12.大气化学与气候的相互作用以及平流层对流层物质交换, 国家自然科学基金国家杰出青年科学基金项目,2013.01-2016.12,参与